30-90 Day Challenge With Bess
Are you a 6-7 figure network marketer, or want to be, who wants to increase your monthly income by $20K - $200K, and be the company leader you were meant to be? Then you are in the right place! Whether you want private coaching, or even a Challenge. Watch the video below...
Leaps 2 ranks into 6 figures after doing a 60 Day Challenge with Bess!
“I invested a few grand to work with Bess. It was well worth it, because I’d never cracked 6 figures before I worked with her. This year I’ll stop right at about $200,000, and I can only imagine what next year is gonna be. So was it financially worth it? Absolutely!” ~ Jacob Rakowski, Houston, Texas. “Through Bess’s amazing ability and support, I was able to do my 60 Day Challenge with massive success!”
“Since doing this program with Bess, everything is clicking. I seem to have a Golden Touch and can’t do anything wrong. It changed my life and how I do business. My team expanded 70%, and the number of active ones more than doubled. I’m still consistently prospecting with no excuses stopping me. My upline and team are inspired by me. I’m asked to speak. I’m now the leader I dreamed of being!” ~ James O’Connell
“Success Loves Speed. Top earners create and promote campaigns within their organization. A campaign is a shorter term burst of activity with a particular goal. The mother of all game plans is a 90 Day Challenge. I don't know of any 7 figure earners who have not done one.” ~ Eric Worre
“What if for just 90 days, I sacrificed everything for my kids’ future? The television stayed unplugged? I didn’t eat out at all? I spoke to no one that didn’t support my goal? I put fear of rejection to the back burner? I worked at this one thing, harder than I have on anything in my entire life? My 90 Day Challenge last year got me to a 6 figure income. This year’s 90 Day Challenge will take me way beyond. Take Bess up on her program. It’s a HUGE benefit.” ~ James Hendrix
"Most network marketers who do a 30-90 Day Challenge don’t complete it, or don’t make it all it could be. That’s where I help. Just like a workout coach gets you better results by spotting you, polishing you, giving you essential tips, cheering you on, and holding you accountable. “The kiss of death in this business is to stop recruiting.” ~ Todd Falcone
“If I’d had a coach to support me during my 90 Day Challenge, I definitely would have done better.” ~ 6 figure earner at Go Pro Recruiting Mastery
What you get when Bess supports you in a Challenge:
* Motivation, clarity, focus, steps – Get your optimal why and most motivation you’ve ever had so you will be unstoppable!
* Clear mindset – Assessment, a two hour session, and homework to clear fear of success or failure, low self-esteem, negative beliefs, and procrastination, so you can replace them with shining confidence, posture, and leadership, and be featured onstage as the leader you are among your peers!
* Upgrade skills – Learn the best method to eliminate rejection and objections, attract the best people, and get them onstage with you! So you can get the highest return on your effort during a Challenge!
* Write YOUR Game Plan for your 30-90 Day Challenge for your ultimate success.
* Create YOUR compelling presentation: Company, Need, Product, Business, Timing
* Check funnel – For prospecting tools and events, so you can keep it so simple that your prospects know they can do it too and it duplicates effortlessly!
* Clear schedule – Choose the right time for your challenge, move events, etc. so you can focus and grow your team by 10-100 new distributors!
* Negotiate with family – For support, chores, and preparation so you can be totally free to maximize your results.
* Gather call list – Discover what it feels like to never run out of people to talk to
* Accountability, guidance and support through the 30-90 days – Daily Support Calls, or as needed: Celebrate successes, troubleshoot blocks so you have no down time and make every moment count toward your dream!
* Completely supports your company’s culture and methods. No worry about deviation from that!
“I’m super happy I had somebody who’s familiar with navigating through the subconscious mind and the emotional part of ourselves.” ~ Jacob Rakowski
Do you have a team of 100 +? Then your next step is: Apply here for a conversation with Bess:
During this conversation:
* We’ll create a crystal clear vision of the business & the income you need to reach your next rank.
* We’ll uncover the hidden challenges that may be sabotaging you from doing that.
* You’ll leave the session renewed, inspired, and energized to finally zoom ahead to the life you know you should be having, once and for all.
In the 90 Day Challenge, you’ll receive these tools, and MANY more:
Instructions for a 30-90 Day Challenge
The "Always Get a YES!" script to invite people to your business
Your own 10 minute presentation, company compliant
Bess’s best tips for Inviting.
Bess’s trademarked Real Conversations self-coach process
Two quizzes to prepare for the Mindset Clearing
Tools, videos, and audios to train on every aspect of your Challenge and get your Skills perfected.
Why Bess?
Because for 30 years the “Shrink of MLM” has helped people all over the world with her proprietary method to eliminate fears, frustration, and constraints, and gain confidence, posture, and leadership, to become significant leaders in their company and live the life they were meant to.
In three sessions Bess helped a man overcome a business-crippling, lifelong fear that even the top psychologists at UCSD couldn’t help. And in one session, stopped a man’s long-time pattern of destructive behavior that three years of psychotherapy didn’t.
Bess uses this same Body Mind human technology, including her Real Conversations® method, to remove procrastination, low self-esteem, and negative beliefs so network marketers can become productive, profitable, and shine their true brilliance!
“Bess really helped me improve my communication, time management, and most importantly some internal blocks I faced. With her assistance, I took my monthly sales performance from 15% of expectation to 458%. I’m currently over 150% YTD in my sales goals, and have reached 4 of my 5 most significant written goals for this year, as well as leading for the President’s Club Award for outstanding salesperson. Bess is worth her weight in gold!” ~ Rob Nussbaum, Austin, TX
“Bess’s coaching very effectively helped resolve recurring personal life issues so I became free to focus on my business. Then we set goals and strategies that marketed my business, increased accountability, and tracked results. It worked tremendously! Since I began working with Bess in April, my business income has quadrupled!! I attribute this 100% to our work. “ – James Moore, Austin, TX
If you have a team of at least 100 people, Apply here for a conversation with Bess:
Walk the stage and get your team on that stage with you!
And give your family the life they deserve!
“I am a generic network marketing coach, not in any MLM company. Although I was an award-winning full-time network marketer for years, I am now dedicated solely and permanently to teaching and coaching network marketers, as I have for 12 years now.
I completely support your company and upline methods, and enforce a strict “No Recruit” policy in my school, the MLM Millionaire Academy.” ~ Bess McCarty
* Questions? Please call (512) 569-1139
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