Always Get a YES! Workshop

Hi, my name is Bess McCarty. I founded and teach in my school for network marketers.

Your sponsor has arranged for you a VERY SPECIAL 30-minute workshop with me: “How to Always Get a YES!” when you invite people to look at your product and business.

I look forward to doing this for you, because so many network marketers are stuck: not sure of themselves, don’t know how to talk to people, scared they won’t be liked, or will be rejected or judged.

Perhaps this has cost you a lot of money that you could have made by now! Let alone peace of mind, stress, sleepless nights, or quality family time.

I know how this feels. I was so shy as a kid, that I would hide in my room when company came over! BUT I learned how to talk with people, and even went door to door with my network marketing business full time for years, won awards and trips, and became a speaker and teacher in this profession!

So I want to help you too! I want to give you my SECRET INGREDIENT to talk with people easily and always get a YES! I want a light to go off for you, where you say, “Aha! Of course! I can do this! This is simple! This is natural! And people like it! And people like ME when I do it!”

So you can look forward to getting up every day, eager to talk to people like this. I want you to have so much fun with this, that you can’t help yourself. That you naturally invite people to your business everywhere you go. And, without even noticing it, your business grows itself because you are doing this all the time and loving it!

I don’t know about you, but for me to do something, it has to be fun. I have to love it. And people feel that and are attracted to you. It’s a win/ win!

NOW: Your workshop, “Always Get a YES!” is only 30 minutes long. We’re going to make the most of it. We’re going to work and practice this method.

To prepare you, I want to give you my 20-minute invite video, “Always Get a YES!”  It’s a $39 value, but a FREE Gift to YOU! It gives you my simple SECRET INGREDIENT so you can be ready to use it on the workshop.

  This video tells you:
• How to overcome your dislike of selling
• How to get inside information about a person BEFORE you talk with them
• How to break the ice with a person you just met
• How to help a new person like and trust you
• How to bring up your business without feeling weird about it
• The SECRET INGREDIENT that always gets a YES! to looking at and joining your business

I VERY STRONGLY recommend you get this short video and study it before your workshop!
I want you to watch it, take a few notes, and be ready to play with us! You may like to watch it a FEW times to get the most out of it and set your business on FIRE! I hope you enjoy it and it changes your life! It has mine!

So, get your free video now, enjoy it, take some notes, and see you ready to go at the workshop!
