Handouts: Workshop for Helle’s Team


Here are your Handouts for the Workshop for Helle Birkehoj’s Life Wave Team:
How to Clear the Top 10 Mental Blocks to Success
Helle’s Clinic ~ Thursday, September 6, 8:00 pm ~ (Follows her 7:00 Team Meeting)

You may like to print these Handouts and bring them to the Workshop.
They are for your use only.
You will also get an email with this information.

Quiz: How to Clear the Top 10 Mental Blocks to Success
(Do you have any of these? You may want like to take this quiz and make notes on it for yourself.)

Real Conversations Self-Coach Chart

Do you believe in a better life for you and your family? Can you see and feel it now?
Or do you have dreams that you gave up on years ago? Because you think you can’t have them?

Come and let’s clean out old beliefs that don’t help you!

After all, what your camera focuses on is what picture it will make you.
Your mind is like that camera.

With my 20 year background in psychology (psychology is 80% of success) this is exactly what I help people do:
allow the picture of their dreams to become real!

It will be my pleasure to speak with you from the U.S. on Skype on September 6.

With Love,

Bess McCarty, MLM Millionaire Club
Bess McCarty
Millionaire Maker
MLM. Business. Life Coach
(512) 569-1139
Thank you for your referrals.
You make a difference!
