Name ___________________________________ Date _______________
Validate them: “Congratulations on making this decision. I’m proud of you for taking charge of your life. From now on, things are going to be different for you and your family.”
- Get their most powerful WHY written in a few sentences, what they want from this business. That will keep them going through the challenging times.
- Write their financial goals in the next 6 months. And how much time they will invest each week. What else are they willing to invest in this business?
- Set realistic expectations: “Your success, or failure, in this business is up to you. Not me. My job is to help you become independent from me ASAP. Do you agree that’s a good goal?” On the average, it takes 1 year of consistent part-time effort to become competent, 3 years to replace your job income, 5 years to make 6 figures, and 7 years to become expert. At first you will be underpaid for your efforts, then fairly paid, then OVER-paid. Get a copy of the company’s income disclosure.
- Prepare them: “You will face discouragement. People who don’t understand this business will discount it, or tell you you’ve been duped. Prepare yourself for this by trusting your own logic, intuition, and heart. Watch the DVD, Rise of the Entrepreneur (50 minutes) until you understand and can quote it. Offer it to others. A 7 minute video that validates NM is ”
- “This business requires time, work, learning, and professionalism. You will face discouragement when you make your calls. You will find you are learning how to talk with people. You will be tempted to take the ‘No’s’ personally. Realize people say no for their own reasons, mostly which are they don’t believe in themselves or the profession.” Givers have more luck.
- “There will be ups and downs as you build your business. Good times and bad times. I’ll know you are in one of the bad times when I don’t hear from you, or I hear excuses. When that happens with you, and it happens with everyone, how do you want me to handle that? Leave you alone, or be persistent and remind you why you made this decision?”
- “I recommend to start with the top package (or upgrade to it now). Your start only happens once; you can tell your story of how you started for the rest of your career, as a role model for how you want your team to start, as an example for commitment and duplication of that.” Make sure they are using and loving the products. Get the top auto ship. They do what you do.
- Ask them to send you a testimonial story of product or business in the first 60 days. Here’s how to write one:
- Make sure they have the 3rd party tools, prospect funnel, samples, calendar, 3 way calls with you. Tell them to always start with their story first.
- Make sure they are connected to company sites, events, and calls. Have them register NOW for the next company event.
- Make sure they know the key points of the comp plan. And keep a record of business expenses for tax deductions, have a separate bank account for business, and save money aside for yearly income tax dues.
- Tell them what the foundational rank is in this company. (Ask your upline.) It is the rank that moves everyone up if all reach it. Teach them how to reach it.
- Help them make a list of 100 people to call. Memory Jogger Make the first 10 calls together. Even better, let the first calls be to practice with their closest friend and family for their feedback. Develop a new habit: Meet and add 2 people a day to their call list.
- Name 10 people who would be ideal distributors: People who are entrepreneurs, ambitious, competitive, motivated, dissatisfied with their situation, look up to you, or looking for opportunity. Rate them easiest to hardest. Start easiest.
- Have them text 10-20 people to get together and catch up. Hear the dings come back as they make appointments!
- Make sure they know how to properly invite. Practice with them: Do not answer questions about the business: Rather, point to a tool (DVD, sample, brochure, meeting, 3-way call with your sponsor). The only time you speak is when you tell a story, yours or someone’s, that matches the prospect’s situation. And when you learn to present.
- Study Eric Worre’s book, Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional. Get all 7 Skills up to a level 10. Here is free study guide and link to buy the book:
- Get a first customer
• Get a first distributor
• Attend an event
• Get a first check
- Get a first customer
- Give specific assignments with deadlines.
- Publicly recognize their achievements.
- Teach them to do the same thing you did with them.
- Develop your team culture: 3 simple things they all do daily (like invite, followup, and attend events.)
- Develop their 3 stories: product, customer, recruit
- Here are suggestions for faster results:
- Use this Monthly Team Coach Report
- Show the business opportunity once a day.
- Help them get 10 serviceable, monthly customers.
- Host 4 home meetings in the first 30 days.
- Attend all leadership calls or their recordings, all weekly meetings, all events. (Is money a problem? Sell product.)
- Every time you talk, refer to their WHY: “Come to the meeting, so you can fire your boss!”
- Inspire them with your own recent prospecting stories.
- Ask if they would like to set up a coaching relationship with you. You could talk weekly to celebrate successes, troubleshoot challenges, and define action steps for the coming week.
- Teach time management: Login like a job. Must perform. Use 15 minute increments you can find during the day.
- Personal growth: Read, listen, or watch 30-60 minutes a day. Attend events. Especially attend ALL company events! Be resourceful to get there. Face fears about inadequacy, rejection, the unknown, etc.
- Focus and consistency: Be blind to distraction. Commit for one year, evaluate, repeat.
- Invite them to do a 30 Day Challenge with you.
- See Chapter 9, “Helping Your New Distributor Get Started Right” in Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional
- Copyright 2015, Bess McCarty. All Rights Reserved.
Oh, and show them this 🙂