EXCEL Mastermind Group Ambassador Trainer

A Freedom Movement

Closes each EXCEL Meeting with 10 minutes at 8:50 pm before Open Coaching at 9 pm:

1 minute:

Screen-share and read EXCEL Mastermind Duplication: https://www.bessmccarty.com/excel-mastermind-group-duplication/

1 minute:

Speak about ONE of the benefits of EXCEL: 

Freedom of Time, Money, Choice
Service and Significance
Purpose - Make a Difference
Enduring Motivation and Passion
Best Skills (Favor Script Method)
Best Mindset Process (Real Conversations)
Best Training and Education (10 Core)
Leadership (John Maxwell)
Strategy (Game Plan + Launches)
Accountability System (Group Support)
Stay on Track Focus
Consistency (2 P/Day)
Synergy Without Judgment
Like-Minded Support
Reach Out
Sound Duplication
Mastermind Brainstorming
Help (a place to ask questions)
Rekindle Dreams
Interactive Participation
Constructive Peer Feedback

1 minute:  

Tell how they invited their Guest, or invite another Member to tell theirs.

7 Minutes:

Lead the take-aways  (about 30 seconds each) by asking volunteers to raise a hand. (As the Group grows, we will break into rooms to do this.)
