
Let’s Laugh at Ourselves!

By  Bess McCarty

Baby with Upline
This is a conversation written by Holton Buggs.

I find it great to laugh at ourselves!


“I hired this baby to re-enact the conversation between some distributors and their upline. I will translate, as the baby is not yet fluent in Adult English..”😂😂😂😂😂

Baby: “I don’t know what to do. First, my product was late, my new recruit just quit, and now my sponsor wants me to register for the event.. Whiiiiiiiiiine” (more crying)

Spouse: “Here is your upline. Talk to them. You are way too emotional about this MLM thang “

Baby: “Hello, oh I am doing fantastic!”

Upline: “I heard you had a rough day and a distributor quit?”

Baby: “Yes, but you don’t understand. They promised me they were going to break the record for fastest Diamond and now he cancelled his autoship!!!”

Upline: “Don’t worry I promise it will be alright. When you have as many to quit as I have you will have my income. You can do it! You were born for this!”

Baby: “Really, they laughed at me at work and said I was in a pyramid, I don’t want to go to jail. I’m not made for prison.”

Upline: “You are a winner, you should listen to those who are successful, not to quitters. Come to the event and associate with the winners, you have had enough of listening to Whiners!

Baby: “Are you sure?”

Upline: “Yes. I know how you feel, I felt the same way when my sponsor quit. But what I found was success is built on failures, as long as it’s not your own.”

Baby: “OK I will buy my ticket today!”

Upline: “See you at the Event! GO Diamond!”

FREE Report: “Ignite Your Downline: What You Must Know to Get Them Successful!”

Bess McCarty

"As a coach, teacher, and healer, I help people solve problems. I uncover and address the missing core needs, thus eliminating the problems, such as fears and negative beliefs, so they can achieve in their careers, have satisfying relationships, and enjoy vibrant health.

There is nothing quite so sacred and beautiful as that moment of working with a person who has a personal and spiritual transformation, as a certain magic happens that is beyond us both."

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