
Tell Stories That Sell For You!

By  Bess McCarty

Learn this very powerful secret: The power of stories.

“Amateurs give facts. Professionals tell stories.” ~ Eric Worre, MLM Millionaire with 24 years of experience at Network Marketing Pro. “Just learn to tell stories. You don’t need to learn anything else”, says Eric.

Why? Well, wouldn’t you rather hear a story than a fact? A story is a fact that’s interesting. You remember it. It illustrates. And it’s true! Not just a theory. It’s more believable, wouldn’t you say?

Tell stories that show an improvement before an after using your product and doing your business. Collect stories so you can pick one that most closely matches their situation. It will be a bridge to help them relate to the concept of a better life for themselves!

It could be a first customer,
first distributor, rank advance, a breakthrough, a challenge overcome, how you did it, what you had to do to get there. Borrow others’ stories until you have your own.

For example
, a coaching client told me that her dad retired after 35 years with General Motors. He believed in “Go to school, get a good job.” GM said, “Come work for us. We’ll take care of you in your retirement.” … then: “Oops. Didn’t know we’d go bankrupt.” I posted this on Google Plus, and a friend there, Kevin Francis, read this and added: “I am also retired from GM after 32 Years. Been doing MLM and Network Marketing for 5 years now and my income is approaching that of my 32 year pension!! Lets see, 32 years,or 5 years…. I’ll take the 5 years.”

This is a story that is perfect
for people in a similar situation, or who worry about being there. They need you to show them a better way with network marketing! Feel free to use this story! There are more at

There are 3 kinds of stories:
1) Stories about Your Products
2) Stories about Your Business
3) Stories to Train Your Team

Learn about these 3 kinds of stories, and how to TELL them, on this YouTube recording of the Google Plus Hangout on Air: “Tell Stories That Sell For You!”

Class Agenda:
1) Why Stories Work
2) The 3 Kinds of Stories
3) How to Get Good Stories
4) How to Tell Good Stories

***To get the video, just ask below in the green box. You’ll also receive a free subscription to “Money-Making Tips for Network Marketers”!

“He who tells a success story is more likely to have more. He who hears a success story is also more likely to have them.” ~ Bess McCarty

Bess McCarty

"As a coach, teacher, and healer, I help people solve problems. I uncover and address the missing core needs, thus eliminating the problems, such as fears and negative beliefs, so they can achieve in their careers, have satisfying relationships, and enjoy vibrant health.

There is nothing quite so sacred and beautiful as that moment of working with a person who has a personal and spiritual transformation, as a certain magic happens that is beyond us both."

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