Inner Child Class

Do you like personal growth?

Bess facilitates 6 in person weekly Inner Child Classes based on John Bradshaw‘s book, Homecoming.

Each class is about 3 hours long, and is confidential. Best is commitment to attend all 6 classes if possible in order to support fellow class members and get your deepest experience. 

*The next weekly Inner Child Class begins October 8, through November 12, in the evenings, with 10 maximum members. If you would like info, and to reserve your spot before it fills up, please book a Complimentary Coaching Session with me ASAP: 

Do you have a good life, but you know there are areas you want to change? Such as:

Loneliness, fears, low self-esteem, trust issues, addictions of any type
Feeling misfit, worry, people pleasing, criticalness, can’t say no, guilt, communication problems
Control issues, feeling responsible for others, inferiority, anger, procrastination, fear of mistakes
Conflict, isolation, rebellion, and relationship troubles

In these Inner Child classes, you learn how you developed into the person you are today. You experience what was missing for you in each of the 5 childhood developmental stages that cause these problems.

Then you fill in the missing parts so they stop affecting your life today.
So you can live the life you know you are meant to!

These classes are very experiential, and participants commit to attend all 6. They are sequential, and you will not want to miss one! The group supports each other.

"This Inner Child Class allowed me to be a better person. For myself, my daughter, and my clients. To be able to enrich people's lives. To really understand and heal issues."

Linda Duncanson - Holistic Health Practitioner

"After this Inner Child Class, I now know how to get unstuck and resolve past issues. Plus I have tools to help my coaching clients!"

Shawn White - Transformation Coach

This is the most heart-opening and eye-opening work I’ve ever experienced, and brings deep, lasting change for those who have done it. I’ve been facilitating this for 30 years with groups and with individuals, by phone, online, and in person. It is confidential.

It is perfect for parents who want to clean up their programming so they don’t pass it on to their children unconsciously, and for all who want a better life now!

"Because of this class, my mother and I will be friends!" - Amina Jama

Limit: 10 participants! 


Please call Bess if you have questions: (619) 356-3961

(This Class is not for anyone who currently has an active substance addiction.)

You have 

a precious self within

who deserves love. 

Maybe who's been     

waiting for you. 

          Is it time?

“This is powerfully effective work! If you truly desire to get to the root of the unseen drivers of the patterns running (or maybe wrecking) your life, this is the most direct method I’ve come across. In my own journey, I have utilized several other methods, and this is the one I would recommend first to anyone willing to take responsibility for their own life and engage the inner work of self-understanding. This method goes directly and immediately to the core of what is holding us back from our true purpose and full potential. Jump in, strap in, mash the accelerator, and don’t look back. You won’t regret it!” – John Sweat, Kansas

Hello Bess,

I enjoyed you and all the members of our group very much. The Inner Child Workshops were very therapeutic and educational to me.

I have noticed an increased sense of Self and Individuality. I enjoy my uniqueness now more than before. 

Prior to the Inner Child workshops, I felt sorry for myself when people felt uncomfortable with my somewhat awkward manners or behaviors, which were a bit different than others. ( I am from Poland.) I now fully allow myself to be myself, and to be my higher Self. I am feeling OK to be different, even liking to be different. And having more courage to stand up for truth, and for myself.

For example, I openly expressed my need to have my pay check on time. And I negotiated with the “system’” how to ensure that the check would be delivered on time. I was assertive, but kind and appreciative, for every effort, and for the success of this collaboration.

The other example was as follows: My boss refused me permission to supervise a doctoral level student. The reason he gave sounded untrue and not genuine. I was able to tell him about my feelings regarding his response in an open and firm, but kind, way. And I was able to stay detached from both his reaction and the rejection of this project. I was also willing to pay the consequences for my audacious response to him. It was exciting to have the courage to say what I really felt, and to be true to myself, without compromises caused by fear! We both finished our encounter with more lightness and maybe more appreciation for each other as people and co-workers.

I cherish being myself now. What a great sense of freedom and self-worth! Your workshop, coupled with my spiritual practices, has made me a happier, more courageous and more free person. I like and love myself more now.

Also it is easier to forgive other people for their dishonesties and games they play with me. I am able to see them as wounded children who are trying to survive as well as they can, even at the expense of others. I am learning to be more tolerant, but not a door mat for other people.

I take care of myself and my needs, and protect my boundaries. The trespassers of my boundaries and those who betrayed my trust now hear from me loud and clear, and I am able to survive their anger without much pain. Their anger does not scare me as it used to prior to these Inner Child Workshops, Bess. There are no more passive-aggressive tendencies and people pleasing behaviors in my repertoire.

Thank you very much, Lady Bess, for your great work and your loving service. They develop upliftment, spiritual and emotional growth, strength and maturity in those who participated.

I repeated the exercise of integrating all childhood stages into one grown up me. This brought an increased sense of freedom and strength, and a lightness of being.

I love You,
Thank You very much again,

Ula, San Diego

Please call Bess for info or registration: (619) 356-3961
