MLM Millionaire Club Member, Helle Birkehoj, is an acupuncturist and therapist in Denmark. She had been in several MLM’s, but did not have success, and decided to do no more of them.
Then something happened. She told her story yesterday on our Club call.
I normally post recordings of our MLM Millionaire Club calls only for members. But this time I’m making an exception so you can hear this great story on this fitting page! A gift from the Club to you!
Helle shares how she got this successful this fast. You can too!
Here’s her story in mp3: /
You’ll also hear on there a story from Club member, Phil Elred, about his new venture and why he began: something you can keep in mind as you prospect.
Helle Birkehoj and her company, LifeWave, are at and