30 Keys to Effortlessly Attract Your Ideal Clients
If you are a coach, therapist, healer, mentor, or entrepreneur, it can feel terrible to have no clients, or too few of clients. You may even be reading this because you would like to scale your practice to the next level!
Here are the 30 mindset keys that shifted me from my 5 month dry spell of no new clients, into an $11,000 breakthrough month!
You may want to pick one a day to focus on.
(We usually still need to do our marketing, and I will include some of my best tips at the end.)
I consider this a sacred class. It’s about your Divine Purpose as a coach, practitioner, or entrepreneur, and being able to do your Purpose!
I’m honored to be able to share with you 30 spiritual and mindset Keys to help you do that.
Getting clients is coaches' number one concern. So I help with that first. And then I help address other issues like difficult clients, burnout, overwhelm, self-doubt, imposter syndrome and more, in other classes.
I recommend you print out this guidebook so you can make notes on it.
You may like this video: "The 5 Keys to Get Clients" https://tinyurl.com/2dxucvvn (These are the first 5 Keys below.)
The 30 Keys
1. Confront Your Voices
2. Inner Child Ceremony
3. Craft Your ideal Client Profile
4. The Inner Invitation
5. Mind Cinema
6. Trust the Magic
7. Inner Guidance
8. Real Conversations
9. Fill Needs Rather Than Classes
10. Plant Seeds
11. Keep Your Eyes Off the Scoreboard
12. Make Friends with Patience
13. Check Your Money Mindset
14. There is No Failure
15. Turn Desperation into Service
16. Happy Expectation
17. No Pushing Allowed! (Or Break the Burnout)
18. The Humble Learning Curve
19. Fear of Success
20. Flow With the Cycles
21. Soak Up Success Stories
22. Do It With Love or Not At All
23. Pivot
24. Play!
25. Poop Into Fertilizer
26. Get the Juice Flowing
27. Incubation
28. Fall in Love with Marketing
29. One Step at a Time
30. Ask For Help
Bonus Keys:
* 15x’s
* You Deserve Mirror
* HU Heals Fear
* Gratitude
* Wonder Woman Pose for Confidence
* Put Spiritual First
* Favor Script
* Self-care first: so you operate out of fullness. Mira story, and mine when I surrendered to doing nothing and recuperating clients came in on their own.
* Follow the energy lines... Notice what lights up between you and others and follow up on it.
* This or something better: when setting a goal. It may not work because life has something even more wonderful for you in store ahead?
* Healing Tech Trauma: ask ChatGPT, and do everything with love with your inner guidance
* Healing Speaking Trauma
Golden Key #1: Identify Your Inner Voices. The best thing to start creating a client surge is by taking an inventory of where you are now. It will be interesting to put a check mark by the negative internal voices, emotions, and behavior you experience as a result of having too few clients. Recommended: Print this out: https://www.bessmccarty.com/inventory-for-coaches-wanting-clients/
You can even discover your own negative voices and add them here. What other negative feelings come up for you? Or avoiding behaviors or destructive behaviors? Write down everything you would like to release around this issue of not having enough clients...
Each of these is able to be healed! We heal each of them in my Real Conversations Inner Child Course for Practitioners.
However, next we do a mini-release of these!
Call to Action: Share your 5 most powerful negative voices with a friend you can trust to support you with acceptance and no judgment, and tell what it has cost you in your life.
Golden Key #2: Inner Child Liberation Ceremony. Now you can release those limiting patterns so you can be free to create the practice you dream of! I invite you to find a quiet place for 15 minutes, or you can do this private contemplation. With compassion and love for all of your feelings that arose as you did this inventory, I invite you to gather in all of this with one big breath, and then do a very slow exhale release of all of it as you let it go. As you let it flow out of your being into a golden stream of light that dissolves it and carries it away. You can do several breaths if needed until it is all released in this moment.
Then breathe in how it will feel when you have a consistent full flow of your ideal clients, who you love working with, and you feel energized by. You love them. They love you! They give you raving testimonials, they refer new clients, and they renew with you! They are ready to do their personal growth work, and they want to work and stay with it! Breathe this in. Breathe in the joy and fulfillment you feel Doing your purpose with love. The freedom from fear and emotional issues. You have the tools to be the best coach for your clients. You have a loving supportive community around you. You raise your rates and get paid what you are worth. Breathe in that total confidence and freedom.
This is what happens when coaches graduate from my Course program, because the Inner Child work we do in there supports them and clears the blocks that were in the way.
Call to Action: Draw a simple picture of your inner child, your heart, or the freedom that you feel as a result of doing this ceremony.
Golden Key #3: Craft Your Ideal Client Profile. So you can attract exactly who you desire! Get out your pen and paper again, and describe your perfect client. Get specific exactly WHO you want to attract! What age are they? What gender? What profession? What problem do you help them with? How do they respond to you? What do you like about working with this client? How much do they pay you? How do they help you grow your business? Do you have past favorite clients? Why were they your favorites? You may also like to add color and drawings to your words.
Call to Action: Write, describe, and define your ideal client in a post, and why this will benefit your life.
Golden Key #4: The Inner Invitation. To spiritually connect with your future clients and call them in: Take a few quiet minutes to look over your definition of your perfect, soulmate client. Realize they are out there looking for you! With all of your heart, inwardly invite them to find you, for you to find each other, so that you may work together. So they can overcome the blocks in their way to their best life. “Whoever is a fit to work with me, may we find each other. I am ready to work with you and help you achieve your dreams.” There seems to be a magic in life that connects people with a sincere ready need, with the people who have their solution. I think both are God-given because the other exists.
Call to Action: Create a picture of you and your soulmate client finding each other! You can draw it, or ask AI to draw it.
Golden Key #5: The Mind Cinema. To have it NOW! Visualize for one minute in the morning, and one minute in the evening, what your practice full of your perfect clients looks like, sounds like, and feels like. How do you feel? Do you feel happy? Fulfilled? Joyful? Visualize and feel this, not as something you want, but something you have right NOW! This is also called the Law of Assumption, or the As If Principle. Every successful person has first visualized their desired outcome. You may like to continue this practice daily.
Call to Action: Describe what you felt like each time you did the Mind Cinema exercise.
Golden Key #6: Trust the Magic. Where are you fearful? What are you worried about? Go ahead and journal for a minute... Get a good look at it / them.... Ask yourself: "Am I OK NOW? Am I OK right now?" The answer is YES!
Here's a little true story. I had a dream. I was in a house that was sealed and airtight. I saw my spiritual guide outside the window. I love and trust him. I gazed into his eyes. As the house began to fill with water!!! The water came up to my knees, then my waist and chest... As it came up to my chin, I thought, "I'll drown." It came up my face, and to the top of my head, as I kept my eyes on my Guide's. To my amazement, I could still breathe!!! I was OK!!
Worry is like worshiping your problem. It is focusing more in it than God! As if it is more powerful! So the problem becomes a False God. It gets our attention and energy.
Change that channel. Replace doubt with Trust- Trust versus fear, let go, surrender . See in G hands . Let go of fear and trust spirit, working everything for your best interest, and for the good of the whole. Know that you are completely loved and guided and helped.
Embrace the magic. Feel the flow. Trust the flow. not hustling, but to do what we can and invite with love, and we and our clients find each other.
Golden Key #7: Inner Guidance Listen to the inner guidance. ( include IG class in enrollment) spiritual work twice a day, and other tips. intuition, nudge, urge, flow, guidance, direction, wisdom, miracles, spiritual coincidences, synchronicities, signs, bodily sensations, gut instincts, kinesiology, dreams, images, thoughts, feelings, warm feelings, knowing, insights, voice, quiet voice, God, Angel, spiritual Guide, heart message, vision, waking dreams, golden tongue wisdom, ask for a symbol
Inner Guidance lets you find your own answers. By chanting HU (an ancient name for God) you gradually open your heart and let God's Voice speak to you. Attuned to your true self. Find the creativity to solve problems.
Trust God: if you want me to do this work, show me how to find the clients
Near the end of my five month dry spill, my inner guidance told me you will be all right financially. I relaxed.
Listen to inner guidance when I get confused about all the marketing stuff sometimes I listen to much to other people and forget to ask my other guidance along with it all.
Golden Key #8: Real Conversations tool kit to clear your triggers about money and clients/ Trade your triggers for tools to use on yourself Real Conversations
Golden Key #9: Fill Needs Rather Than Classes
Make a difference, rather than make a buck.
Rather than focus on making money, focus on solving problems.
Golden Key #10: Plant Seeds if you are discouraged, remember that most seeds do not sprout! Focus on planting the seeds. Johnny Appleseed. Only a percentage will take. Because some fall on rock, some don’t get water, some are eaten by the birds. do not get discouraged if they all don’t take. That is nature. That is natural. That is normal. Expected! And plan for it. Reach out on social media, friendships, and know that some will not take root, but some may and it may take time. Even years for them to be ready.
When you do your marketing, and reach out to people with what you have to offer them, focus on doing each step with love, versus the results. * Love without Attachment to Results - exercise: for one day do all you do just for love. Without being concerned about the results.
Golden Key #11: Keep Your Eyes Off the Scoreboard John Wooden, the famous UCLA basketball coach, told his wedding players to never look at the scoreboard. And each day, whether in practice or in a game, focus on getting better than the day before.
In our marketing work, we do track and monitor results so that we may know where to best put our efforts.
But let’s do it with detachment and keep our focus on improving our reach outs with love and consistency
Golden Key #12: Make Friends With Patience. When you’ve done all you can, then it’s time to let spirit work. Like when you’ve planted a seed. You can’t make it grow faster than or can. Perseverance, don’t give up, your turning point could be right around the corner
Golden Key #13: Check Your Money Mindset. spill all the negative talk about money going inside (see my talk about money mindset for Indiana): "Rich people are greedy, money does not grow on trees, filthy rich, etc." That poor is better. So people won't be jealous of you. Money is snobby.
if you have a story in your head that "I have no clients because people can’t afford it", remember the high paying clients you’ve had in the past. They had money, them found money, they found a way.. : remember I paid for BMC and Academy because I really wanted it.
… Let us release the idea that people can’t or won’t pay for our services. I’ve found that’s when their motivation is high, when they have really been touched and moved, they find the money. They find a way. That is part of their healing! And sometimes I coach them to do that.
Golden Key #14: There is No Failure. You either win, or you learn. When a effort does not get either results, you were hoping for, find out what you learned from this that you can apply next time. Mark yourself richer in knowledge! do this for who I become Even more than the money, it’s the gifts, what we learn by learning how to do this. The gift is in the discipline, and how we change, the people we become. This is a personal growth class disguised as a business. Remember: Every story has a happy ending. If it doesn't, it's not done yet!
Golden Key #15: Turn Desperation Into Service. When you feel desperate financially, switch to an attitude of service. Think how you would be attracted to the energy of sincerely, wanting to help you, versus feeling the stress of the persons budget behind their offer. So if you are stuck in a place of fear, realize that is like quicksand. Switch to trust and service. Try to have savings, a financial backup, a job, or a Plan B.
Golden Key #16: Happy Expectation. Child Make sure receptive attitude versus:
(Impatience, fear, worry, Complaining, blaming, lamenting, angry, that it didn’t work. )
KNOW it can happen. Expect it! If you desire it, it is there for you and is what created the desire. You cannot desire something that does not exist!!
Catch and turn every negative thought to a positive. Be diligent. That’s not easy, but it’s like weeding your yard. * Who’s driving? Don't let anything kick your Happy out of your driver's seat!
Golden Key #17: No Pushing Allowed! Stop pushing myself. ) that’s not love! Nothing good comes of it. I got burned out. And I got a cold. classes- services and results, purpose. Instead, do it with love and listen to my inner guidance. Break the burn out: watched touched by an angel or a spiritually uplifting movie. Effortless effort: do not force, let go of attachment to the result, the agenda, the goal.
Golden Key #18: The Humble Learning Curve: New level, new rules. Be flexible. Accept change. Life is trying to move you to a higher level, with even more success than before. So allow yourself to be humble enough to learn the new rules. Allow yourself to be a student and whether the learning curve. Not like me who said this is so much work! 30 years ago all you had to do is put an ad out and fill the class. Now you have to go through all this funnel yet the funnel is making me a better coach! It makes me understand my client better than I ever have. And to be a more powerful coach than I ever have. And therefore to be more abundant financially, too. The old advertising ways don’t work anymore. There is more competition. So we must really connect with people, speak their language, to get through all the competition noise. Life wants me to bring more to the table than I ever had before. To be a better coach. Better results, hire transformations. So keep learning and studying myself. Keep working on myself. That will attract people who need what you just learned.
Humble enough to admit, I didn’t know it all Allow time for the learning curve. Are you in one? Sometimes I don’t know that I don’t know until I’ve gone through it. My 5 Month dry spell was not lost time. It was an incubation period where I refined and changed my niche overtime and got better at leading master classes. But when I began it, I thought all I needed was one month. I thought I knew it all. Then I got deeper and realize the art and science of marketing. It was humbling! First, I thought it was good at it. Then I saw how much I had to learn! It was humbling to not get results. I had to accept I was a beginner student!
Golden Key #19: Fear of Success. Do you really want change? Do you really want success? Do you unconsciously hold back the new clients because you will be forced to grow? And face yourself? Because she will have some challenging ones. So are you afraid of success? Some people are afraid of it because they believe or know that they will become proud and egotistic, and feel superior to others. Or when they become six and seven figure earners, that their ego will kick in. Were they fear success because then they will have to learn how to manage that money or they fear they will lose friends who will think that they are stuck up. Who might have a negative attitude about people with money. They don’t want to lose those friends. Or they may have a subconscious fear of out doing their parents. That they will lose their parents love.
O Success means I’ll have to do a lot of left brain stuff, like legal, collections from unpaid clients, I don’t wanna grow up. I don’t wanna leave my right brain behind. I don’t wanna be that responsible and in messed with the system I’ve tried to live outside the system. If I’m a six figure earner, I’d have to be enter the system, join the world, and keep the hamster wheel going. I won’t be able to take a break for fear of losing momentum.
Golden Key #20: Flow With the Cycles. And waves. Even seasons have cycles. You may be in a winter, gathering strength for bursting out in the spring! You can say this always goes in cycles, just in a low one right now. The fear hears that it never will turn around. But it will! Unless you practice negativity and keep it down. The only reason I won’t turn around, is you! When I’m on a high cycle, I humbly realize it could turn. When I’m on a low cycle, I also realize it will turn.
Golden Key #21:
Soak Up Success Stories Read and listen to others’ success stories Testimonials in Academy to believe it is possible. and keep your thoughts positive.
Golden Key #22: Do Everything With Love, and for love. Find your Why. Do the 5 why exercise. See phone note about mine equals led to playmates.
Golden Key #23: Pivot. Be willing to surrender and accept. Be willing to see where this goes, even if it’s not to do this work, but something completely different! Just be willing and not attached to your original goal. Ask life for the school, or something better! Story? Someone who aimed and failed but got reinvented in a much better way.
Golden Key #24: Play! Sharleen’s dance videos, Start playing with my practice, and some unique, magnetizing ideas may come out! Sharleen lead some dance with us. Play with Ellie or a child. Be creative let new things happen that no one has ever done before! Inner child joy!
Golden Key #25: Poop Into Fertilizer. Stay positive. Shift Your worry is like worshiping your problem
Be sure you are receptive. And negative attitude Resentment, anger, justification, self righteousness, entitlement, will only keep digging a hole deeper.
Release the negative! Do a leader shift Do a physical release of the traits that you found in the inventory page. Release and reframe. Cut ties with negative people. During my dry spell, a jealous friend tried to derail me. She dropped subtle judgments about my work, and after awhile, I began to wonder if I could do any good at all for people! Maybe I was some sort of fraud, or imposter. Maybe I was fooling myself. This is after 30 years of successful clients! Look at my website with it many dozens of testimonials help me realize I needed to cut ties with her. When I did, I immediately felt better and climbed out of my slump.
I had a history of raving clients, and yet she still got to me! If you don’t have a history of like this, a negative person in your life may be able to keep you down for longer than she did me. So remember the positive feedback you’ve gotten from others. I bet it will outweigh any negative from a person like this.
Golden Key #26: Get the Juice Flowing, Start a beta class or do some pro bono work to get back in the Joy and flow of coaching again. It could be free or greatly reduced. Once they have experienced your work, you can possibly even upsell them.
Golden Key #27: Incubation No sincere effort is ever wasted. The results may come years down the road. The results could come in the form of a referral, or other benefit non-monetary. Or increase skill that leads to money down the road. This illustrates the law of karma. Every good deed comes back in someway. Incubation, not wasted time. I think that no effort ever goes on responded to. Perhaps all of the efforts that I put out for five months started showing up. All the effort we put out always comes back to us in someway at some time. Equals karma. I think no effort is ever lost. No effort is for nothing.
Or maybe I had to let go that discouragement first and detachment and trust and whatever it was supposed to happen.
Golden Key #28: Fall in Love With Marketing “I'm marketing more than I’m coaching!” I used to think marketing was a necessary evil to be able to do what I love, which is Coach. I saw them as two separate things. I used to complain about doing the marketing because I’d rather be coaching. I used to lament the great time, effort, and mistakes it took me to just host a master class.
Have no resistance to marketing and the way it is stretching and bettering me. Negative voices: "It is work to write copy for ads, emails, and MasterClass content. And posts. There’s so much to remember from all the handouts. How can I ever remember to do all of it? And in the right way? And I get feedback that isn’t good enough after I did my very best." (Phone note called Leader shift on marketing.)
LO AND BEHOLD! All this marketing training I’ve been doing has made me a better coach! It has helped me stand for my client. To stand in their shoes, and stand up for their transformation.
Writing the copy, speaking to connect, and conducting the discovery sessions to hold their vision, has honed my clarity and focus and effectiveness. WALLA! I’m a better coach!
Every single little thing I do, every social media post I make, every comment I make on someone’s post, I now see as ALL taking-a-stand-for -transformation. I enjoy all the parts of it as I creatively work with my inner guidance to become more connected with what people want and need.
What I gain from doing this now plays into every coaching session I hold.
For me, it took 8 months to refine my niche and message. (Still refining ..) But now I feel stronger than ever as a coach.
Golden Key #29: One Step at a Time. I only look at the step I’m doing today right now in front of me instead of looking at the whole mountain. And do it well. Do it with love./ I write down all the jobs I have, and I see which is a priority and which is urgent. I picked that one to do next./Nando Parado walked over the Andes. Robert Kiyosaki says I only need to see the road ahead of me. Patience, perseverance, consistency: fueled by belief:
You don’t get to the top of the mountain in one giant leap
Small steps
One steps by it self is insignificant
BUT it them together - VERY significant
Success- just keep doing , even when seems hopeless
Golden Key #30: Ask for Help! Don’t be too proud or embarrassed. I reached out to Coaches to get me help get me unstuck. We all need support. Everyone of us needs support. I get coached. Versus embarrassed to ask for help = I kept the downward spiral going.
Bonus Keys:
* 15x’s
* You Deserve Mirror
* HU Heals Fear
* Gratitude
* Wonder Woman Pose for Immediate Confidence
* Put Spiritual First
* Self-care first: so you operate out of fullness. Mira story, and mine when I surrendered to doing nothing and recuperating clients came in on their own.
* Follow the energy lines... Notice what lights up between you and others and follow up on it.
* This or something better: when setting a goal. It may not work because life has something even more wonderful for you in store ahead?
* Healing tech trauma: ask ChatGPT, and do everything with love with your inner guidance
* Healing speaking trauma
Even when things are going great, keep up your spiritual practices so you don’t fall into the negative mindset. Allie Brown: her most lucrative business ideas have come from her morning, spiritual time.
What other ones would you add??
Now for the Marketing Tips!
Use the Favor Script at the beginning of the Always Get a Yes Book:
PDF https://tinyurl.com/2js43at9 or Word Doc https://tinyurl.com/2lh2elp2
So many of my clients came from people I knew, because they already knew, like and trusted me.
This book addresses network marketers, but the methods in it apply to ALL businesses, including coaching!
Then use the rest of the book to learn to give empathy for their pain to increase their motivation. The empathy method solves coaches' frustration and discouragement when: "We have the answers for people in need, if only they would want it as much as we want it for them. Some people want help, but aren’t motivated enough to invest time and money in it."
We must continually stand in our prospects shoes. What’s in it for them?
More Marketing Solutions
Sage Levine
MasterClass funnel
Referrals – Bob Burg
Social Media
Beta Programs
I think client acquisition is a mystical, spiritual something. We usually still have to put in our foot work, and do the marketing or practical steps that we know. We network, advertise, put on free classes, give free sessions, and sometimes no clients come. Or sometimes clients come with no effort at all!
I think it’s a combination of effort, mindset, and patience. Including trust that the right thing will happen.
I went through a long period of no clients. But I kept going. Amidst discouragement.
My story began to turn to scarcity. I had to consciously focus on calling to my tribe, my chicks, seeing them working with me, seeing the change, I could bring for them. From unhappy, lives to thriving lives!
And I kept getting better at writing, and speaking about it. More clear, more powerful, more confident in myself, that I could bring that change for them.
Then there was the tipping point, and they came.
There is definitely been a learning curve for me and learning how to market, even though I knew I thought I knew a lot before.
And sometimes when we reach a new level of spiritual growth, it might take a little while to get used to the new rules on the new level. All things that used to work may not anymore as we expand.
My messages: Keep going. Keep doing your best. Your next step may be the turning point!
Be aware of collecting evidence to support and strengthen and negative beliefs! For example, I was believing in scarcity: "Clients aren't out there." So when one client signed up and became blaming, and another signed up and did not pay, and another had second thoughts, my negative self wanted to say, "See! I told you so! This can’t work! Here’s proof. I’m validating it by collecting all these negative stories". Like I did when the post office lost my package and I wanted to build a case against them and collected all sorts of evidence as to why they were inept. Did that help me find my package? I almost wanted to prove my point more than find my package! To be right! It worked against me.
Lately my clients are people I've known a long time. It wasn’t their time to do personal growth work before. Perhaps now, years later, is their time to do deep inner child work. And some didn’t have the money before, but they do now.
Next: fears your clients my have
Coaches face a variety of challenges and issues, often stemming from both practical and emotional aspects of their work. Here are some of the most common: