I asked Mike Michelozzi what is the hardest thing he did in network marketing:
“Not allow some really strong negatives and resistance to our vision cause us to quit. That was three years of struggle and it made us more determined than ever but it was emotionally bone crushing.
Distributors were frustrated, jealous, and capable of doing mean and disruptive things as we were in high gear. It crushed Shirley – it enraged me to turn on the primal male genetic coding for war and hunting and I morphed the energy into our business.
Three years later we were Ambassadors doing very well and they were not – not that we didn’t want them and everyone to do well in spite of the drama.
At the same time their very successful upline piled on and that made it even worse as rumors spread and so did poor behavior from some people directed toward us.
Over time we one way or another confronted these people, we didn’t buckle under and we kept on the higher ground, and eventually they all let it go and it faded into history.
Many of them quit, one died, the most successful retired – and we keep on keepin’ on!
One of the things I found also hardest was talking to people – strangers and people I knew – about our products and business.
That really frustrated me because I performed solo in small clubs for fifteen years, I was a middle school/high school/adult education teacher AND I was capable of talking and listening to people with ease and interest.
So why the emotional impasse – why the mental block? It was disturbing and took time to figure out and over come: stage fright:
When I transferred from middle to high school I was someone you’d call ideal for teaching – I related to all the kids, taught very well, and had many accomplishments as did my students.
My first three years of teaching high school were traumatic – same emotional impasse and mental block.
It took me three years to get my composure back and realize I could be the same me who taught middle school. What had happened was I had set up a mind set of entirely different expectations of myself and the students – things I made up as I didn’t know.
I began getting myself back and getting comfortable in the new setting and my last ten years were back on track. I don’t know if that’s the whole story but what I concluded.
Performing in front of audiences became a format I could be comfortable in and control. That comfort and ability wasn’t immediately transferable into nwm/mlm.
So even though I’d done all those people things, beginning in this different format nwm/mlm I was like a fish out of water. I had expectations I’d made up – or heard or was told – and it put my self confidence in chaos, in disorientation.
For whatever reasons I went “tilt” and out of balance. AND it’s a very common experience. I’m happy to share this part of our story with you and your readers, Bess, and hope it inspires someone going through what we did.
A couple of things helped us work through the fears and frustration:
One was that we to this day have a personal relationship with the products and company values that are important to us. Another was a vision we had for our future knowing it had to include helping and serving others.
Also for me the desire to over come fear and frustration was one of the strongest motivators and I took everything very personal. Failure may be an option for other people but not me. ” ~ Mike Michelozzi
If your fear doesn’t make sense to you, but you know you’ve got to move forward, you can do this. Every top-earner I know has faced this fear at some time. I used to be very shy myself. Now I help people overcome this in the MLM Millionaire Academy. We use many ways that work! So you can feel at ease and go forward to reach your better life! YOU CAN DO IT! ~ Bess
Here is my new, ongoing program to help Network Marketers succeed!
It is called EXCEL. I hope you check it out and share it! Thank you!!